Sunday, February 03, 2008


I can be reached by e-mail here.


Anonymous said...

Dear Mr. Sinclair,

I was listening to your comments on the BBC news about the ‘March for an Alternative’ demonstrations today where you stated that the protests were completely invalid and unrealistic. I find this completely bemusing considering that supposedly 20 billion is lost each year in tax evasions, granted you have managed to recover 1 billion, but if you were more effective at retrieving and preventing the other approximately 19 billion being lost from the UK economy, we would not be facing damaging and in some cases devastating cuts to crucial public and community services. It is therefore irrational why a government who claims to support a so called ‘Big Society’, of volunteers and community groups, should close the very groups it claims to support and not put in place any viable alternative which can provide the same essential services. Therefore you may be correct in your statement on BBC news that the protesters would be marching for more cuts in the future, as if the government have already started cutting the country’s community support structure and front line services without having put an alternative in place to fulfil these fundamental functions and services then unfortunately you may be right, but it will have been because the government didn’t listen to organisations who are experts in their field and can suggest alternative ways of saving and making money.

It seems that one of the big problems that capitalists and possibly the coalition government have with the public sector is that it does not make money, however would you want us to make money out of people’s ill health for example – it is not it’s function. You also mentioned that it was a minority who feel that the cuts should not be made, however it is an error to assume that this means that those who agree cuts should be made also support the government’s policy in making the cuts. Instead why not make the bankers pay back the people the bail out money, tax them so that they can pay the money quicker, with the size of their bonuses they can afford to. After all they did create this crisis! If the government are worried about the bankers moving abroad on the grounds that it would affect start up business loans, well the loans are not proving that effective now so I am sure it will not really affect the society much. In short of course cuts must happen and they will not be pleasant, however make responsible cuts that don’t just pull the carpet from under society’s feet. Cuts must be balanced with real positive economic growth enabled through the production of jobs, without doing this you will be creating a greater strain on the welfare claims. Therefore it also makes sense that cuts cannot be rushed through but must be made slightly more gradually so that there is time to grow the economy at the same time. Finally make sure that you make the right people pay their share, most significantly companies avoiding tax and the banks.

Anonymous said...

The 9/11 truth is out on the internet.
This is the truth: The WTC was destroyed by 3 underground thermo-nuclear explosions. They were detonated by the US government which used this as an excuse to lead the US and its allies into invading Afghanistan and Iraq. All these wars and deaths were based on a lie.

Goebbels: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

Will you help to tell the truth to the world?
Be sure to watch the 26 part video there.
#4 is on the built-in nuclear demolition scheme of the WTC
#14 in on Building 7, which collapsed even though no plane hit it.
#24/25 is on the chronic radiation sickness of the WTC responders

Anonymous said...

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Pressure washer repairce to fulfil these fundamental functions and services then unfortunately you may be right, but it will have been because the government didn’t listen to organisations who are experts in their field and can suggest alternative ways of saving and making money.

Anonymous said...

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Flat Mid-Calf Winter Boot government didn’t listen to organisations who are experts in their field and can suggest alternative ways of saving and making money.

Anonymous said...


relogios replicas Mont Blanc Finally make sure that you make the right people pay their share, most significantly companies avoiding tax and the banks.