Monday, October 30, 2006

Adam Smith on the £20 note

The Times reports that Adam Smith is to become the new face on the £20 note. This is one of those ideas that, when you hear it, you wonder why no one came up with it before. If there is anyone who deserves to be on the face of a banknote, anywhere in the world, it is Smith. While I don't want to get into Greatest Briton debates (although in those debates he clearly deserved to be up there alongside Newton and Darwin) his creation of economics makes him a fine candidate for a banknote in particular.



Gracchi said...

For reasons of political parity shouldn't Keynes have a note as well!

You could even have a run of great british economic thinkers- you know Riccardo, Keynes, Smith, Hayek (settled in Britain), James Mill, even Bentham in a way or is this taking the principle a little too far.

Matthew Sinclair said...

Bentham and Mill don't qualify... beyond that I like your plan. Hayek I like the idea of but I don't think we can claim him. Ricardo and Keynes definitely qualify. Marshall would be another good candidate.

Dave Cole said...

I'm surprised you're not saying Marx. Wouldn't it represent the ultimate victory of capitalism to have his face on a tenner?

Anonymous said...

keynes hmm i'm not sure we shold put great people who regressed their fields on the note...

I would say the mail headline was hilarious " scott on note" beyond parody